There were multiple confirmed pairings from these two ABBS. Southern Breeze Ranch's handsome Frost has sired quite a few litters and never fails to impress, while this is the gorgeous Luna's, belonging to Ron Smith, first pairing. We are expecting a whole litter of solid blue, long coat fluff balls from these two. If the pairing took, we will expect to see these lovelies sometime early-mid August 2019
In light of some recent confusion concerning the purchase of a pup thought to be a Blue Bay Shepherd and in order to prevent this from ever happening again in the future ALL requests for information and applications to reserve must be submitted through the Official American Blue Bay Shepherd website at The founder is asking that all websites, groups, and Facebook pages with the title Blue Bay Shepherd be shut down with the exception of the original American Blue Bay Shepherds group formed 8 years ago by Sheryn Robinson and the group called Blue Bay Chat ran by Racheal Anderson for discussing information about the Blue Bay Shepherd and other breeds that are similar. This would stop a lot of misunderstandings, avoid the possibility of any further confusion, and will bring the Blue Bay family all together in the same place. This will also eliminate the need for a buyer to ask where did my pup come from, who are the parents of my pup and most importantly is my pup really a Blue Bay? It will also avoid confusion as to where everyone sits on the waiting list and prevent someone from getting a pup before another who has been waiting longer. All Blue Bays will be sold through the official website. There you can find the information on how to reserve a Blue Bay pup from an upcoming litter. You will also find pictures of the breeding pairs and information regarding the individual animal.
All animals that are accepted into the breeding program will be listed by name and owner. Anyone participating in the program will be fairly compensated by Southern Breeze in a pre-arranged written agreement between both parties, however all sales of American Blue Bays will be done directly through Southern Breeze. I have decided that it will be in the best interest of the Blue Bay and those seeking to learn about this new developing breed to have everything in one location. In this way, anyone interested in any information can find it at the same location. Everyone will be able to get factual information on the history and development of the breed directly from the founder without the interjection of anyones personal opinions. When a question is asked, that pertains to peoples experience with their own Blue Bays they will get to hear direct from various owners based on there personal opinions. There will be more people participating with everyone on the same group. Also, there will be a larger variety of answers with all Blue Bay owners on the same group. People will also be able to get a much better picture of what a Blue Bay is and why some are giving different info than others. In short, if people are trying to decide if a Blue Bay is the dog for them they would rather hear from 20 different owners than 9 or 10. The more info in one place the better. As some of you probably know I started the development of this breed over 20 years ago by developing the first foundation animals from my Southern Breeze blue coated wolfdog lines. They were 5th generation wolfdogs. After that I searched very diligently for just the right GSDs for the other half of the foundation dogs. I had them imported from Europe and produced the first litter of American Blue Bay Shepherds in 2011. I was more pleased with the results than I had expected, and so were those who received the pups. Developing a new breed takes a lot of time and there are naturally some problems along the way. You must be in it for the long haul and realize there will be some people who try and get in your way. I have been in it for the long haul. I have been breeding for 37 years and I have worked very hard to build a good reputation. I work with integrity and honesty and I have no problems sleeping at night. I had a very specific goal in mind for the Blue Bay long before the first one ever hit the ground, and I will not let anyone deter me from that goal. There have been ups and downs and I expect there will be more but all in all I think most people are happy with the breed. While I know there is no such thing as perfection, I will strive for that as I hopefully approach the finish line. I recently added a new breed last Nov. and plan to add one more. That will bring to the total number of breeds to 8 that have gone into the ABBS. So, to those who say this is a designer breed, I have to disagree. I did not take two other breeds and put them together giving them a portion of each breeds name I.E. Puggle, shepsky, labradoodle etc. I have put a lot of time and thought into this “new” breed. From this point I must continue to add to the gene pool, in order to one day be able to close out the foundation animals and strictly be able to breed ABBS to ABBS. This is why I cannot allow anyone to make breeding decisions for the Blue Bay because it would never become an accepted breed if 20 or 30 people each decided this is what they think the Blue Bay should look like or act like. You would then have 20 or 30 different looks and 20 or 30 different personalities. You would have flop ears, curly tails, spotted coats etc. In other words, mixed breeds that did not look or act anything like the other. Because of this I do not at this time have any “partners” in this venture. I have had friends I have allowed to help me and buyers who have participated. I do appreciate and will certainly recognize and compensate anyone for their contribution to the development of the breed, but I make the decisions on what goes into a Blue Bay. In closing I hope this doesn’t sound cocky to anyone. I would like to reiterate I really appreciate anyone who helps and give full credit to them for their help. This is a project I started a long time ago, and I want to finish it. My goal is to develop a breed of dog that is a great companion and wonderful family pet. A dog with "out of this world" beauty and bomb proof temperament, extreme intelligence, excellent health with a high degree of trainability because of a willingness and strong desire to please. One that also possesses the temperament to be used as a service or therapy dog. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has welcomed a Blue Bay into their homes, sometimes even 2 or 3 and are working to bring them to their full potential. I also want to thank my new friend Tiffany Stallins for resurrecting the American Blue Bay Shepherd group and doing such a good job as an administrator. Starting the photo contest, which everyone seems to love, not to mention giving up many Saturdays and Sundays away from her kids and her husband to drive 100 miles round trip to help me with pups or anything else I have needed. I’m sure she has better things to do after working a full time job as a vet tech. |